punk is in
believe me you, the punk agenda is back.
Punk is expression of rebellion but while punk fashion may be all the rage, the rebellious spirit and willingness to question traditional conventions is what we’ve been experiencing all pandemic.
Music’s only ever been just one facet of punk’s identity. Though it’s more than just a sound, it’s a whole way of being – a philosophy, an attitude, and, crucially, a look.
The pandemic has forced us to adapt to a new way of living. Conforming to pre-covid for social conventions might not necessailry be for the betterment of society. However this new normal doesn’t come without some form of escapism. Punk style and references are being sprinkled all over, and gen z has yet to fail when it comes to reinventing punk. This time there are no rules.
I read an SSENSE piece that suggested Punk died in the 90’s and was subsituted for grunge — bringing the movement to a standstill. Everything has become more individualistic. The internet makes it too easy to dip your toe into any subculture, movement and ideologies. Today you can pick and choose what fits your identity without committing to the core values. Albeit I can discern that, there is a growing consensus for a little rebellion in a lot of us post lockdowns.
to add to your Punk playlist
Playboi Carti’s ‘Whole Lotta Red’ brought us into 2021 with an already rebellious attitude.
Willow smith invites us to grow on her ‘lately i feel EVERYTHING’ album, using a trove of pop-rock stylings from nu-metal to pop-punk.
Punk panache
Rihanna’s stand out streetstyle looks has retrofitted punk elements, a subculture she is not foreign too.
From matching camo skirt x combat trousers, punk makeup at the met, her famous mullet hairstyle, “think while it’s still legal shirt” and many more…
Punk BF x Hot GF
It seems to be the hottest couples out right now are, Kourt x Trav and JT x Lil Uzi. It’s time to get yourself a punk gf/bf. It’s thats time if the year and I think everybody deserves a a rebellious love this winter.